The leader in valves
and regulators

RegO Asia 含雷舸流体科技(上海)有限公司及雷舸(上海)贸易有限公司, 是RegO总部继RegO 欧洲、RegO中南美洲之后设立的RegO产品亚洲装 配及分销中心。先进的装配生产线,充裕的仓库储备及卓越的运作团队使RegO Asia 充满活力, 以更快、更近、更强的姿态 迎接并服务蒸蒸日上的中国及亚太市场。RegO 的阀门产品广泛覆盖液化天然气、工业气体及液化石油气领域,我们热忱欢迎RegO 产品的新老 客户随时与我们联系,以获得更好的服务。

Longevity, stability—our foundation of innovation.

We draw upon the inspiration of our founder, Charles Bastian, who invented the carbon dioxide cylinder valve in 1888, and founded RegO (Regulator + Oxygen) in 1918. This spirit of innovation continues to guide the team at RegO and results in the development of new performance milestones and products every year. The long-term partnerships with OEM customers and materials suppliers demonstrates our commitment to value-based relationships.

American manufacturing, meeting the needs of global markets.

From our design, manufacturing, and product testing facilities in North Carolina, USA, RegO products are found in a wide range of markets including: health care, aerospace, transportation, electronics, chemicals, energy, agriculture, food and beverage, industrial gas and liquids, as well as alternative and renewable fuels such as LPG, LNG, and hydrogen.

With strategically located RegO operating centers in four countries, we are positioned to support our products through a network of highly-trained authorized distributors and maintain our long-standing strategic alliances with OEM vessel and system manufacturers throughout the world.

Experienced leadership to drive future innovation.

The RegO leadership team has deep experience in industrial manufacturing, process control, supply chain management, and the core product technologies that form the foundation of our customers’ flow control applications.

For more than 100 years, RegO has outperformed the competition to continually earn the trust of our customers, employees, suppliers, and investors. We do this with an unyielding commitment to continuously improve our products and develop new solutions to meet the challenges of emerging markets in alternative fuels such as bio/renewal LPG and LNF, and hydrogen.

RegO Vision

Expand our leading global position in pressurized gas solutions and drive profitable growth through customer focus, continuous improvement, and passion for our industry.

RegO Mission

The mission of RegO is to build upon our 100+ year legacy of success, creating the highest quality gas and liquid control solutions, and continually earning the trust of our customers, employees, suppliers, and investors. We do this through customer focus, open and honest communications, and continuous improvement.

RegO Values

We share a commitment to protect the well-being of employees, customers and community.

We follow through on our promises and aim to provide an exceptional customer experience.

We display honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in everything we do.

We empower our employees to think analytically and act creatively to offer inventive solutions.

We foster a diverse culture where everyone is considerate, collaborative, constructive, and supportive.